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Charred Vases

Charred Vases

Designed by Gabriel Tan


This collection intends to capture the Ikebana⁠ approach of flower arrangement. The vases have different sizes, shapes and directions in which multiple configurations can me made. The Charred Vases are five unique forms made in the dying Portuguese art of Barro Preto. Buried and fired in an underground pit called a Soenga, this process of smothering the ceramic removes oxygen and results in a non-homogenous texture of black, grey and earth tones. A vanishing tradition – there are few artisans left who have the knowledge to produce objects in Barro Preto. Together with João Lourenço, Gabriel Tan wishes to rekindle this heritage. The barro preto is a non-homogenous texture of black, grey and earth tones.

Cup: 140 L x 100 W x 130 H mm
Dome: 155 L x 140 W x 160 H mm
Cone: 175 L x 175 W × 270 H mm
Sphere: 303 L x 303 W x 125 H mm
Chimney: 232 L x 232 W x 313 H mm


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